PRAMU is the Pataphysical Research and Metachanics Union. Pataphysics is an area of study that investigates beyond the apparent limits of possibility. It means impossible solutions to imaginary problems.
The shop space draws on a retrofuturist theme that is roughly a cross between an Explorer’s Club and the 1933 World’s Fair. Our goal is to provide a portal for local Detroit favorites that maybe have one shirt or hoodie or other item. Designer brands include the Ocelot Print Shop, F1RST Motoring Apparel, Hopscotch Detroit, Freshwater Railways and many others. Our inventory will change over time as we add more brands and organizations and we hope to soon offer a way for local non-profits to monetize their good work through selling branded apparel as well. However, PRAMU is ultimately about good design, and the initial selection follows a certain style that we will seek to maintain.